Free Dabbing and Terp Pearl Guide. 4 Proven Ways Terp Pearls Elevate your Dabbing Session.

Posted by Theo on 2023 Jul 30th

Free Dabbing and Terp Pearl Guide. 4 Proven Ways Terp Pearls Elevate your Dabbing Session.

What are Terp Pearls?

Terp pearls are small, heat-resistant, and inert balls used in combination with a dab rig or a concentrate vaporizer to elevate your dabbing experience.

What is dabbing?

In the world of cannabis, consuming cannabis concentrates like wax, shatter or oil - generally called 'extracts' or 'concentrates' - is called dabbing. Extracts are called extracts, because the THC is 'extracted' from the bud using a specialized low temperature process. 

What remains after that process of extraction can be either a waxy or crystalline or viscous oily substance that can be up to 94% THC by volume. 

The word 'dabbing' originates from the action of adding said cannabis extracts to your recycler bong or rig using a dab tool in a dabbing motion.

Why would I go dabbing?

Well, simply because dabbing has been known to lead to some unbelievable out-of-body experiences. This is because extracts are way more 'concentrated' than bud and can contain up to 94 - 95% THC by volume. 

Where once consuming extracts was the preserve of elite stoners and hobbyists, the legalization of THC in several jurisdictions has resulted in extracts being legally available at an attractive price point. This has heightened interest in this method of consuming cannabis.

Dabbing with a nail.

Nice Glass Mini Showerhead Perc

When consuming cannabis concentrates, one often utilises a dab rig. This is a type of water pipe specifically designed for vaporizing these potent extracts. Essential equipment for dabbing includes a Dab Rig Bong or a Recycler Bong, a carb cap, a nail (usually made of quartz, titanium, or ceramic), and a torch for heating the nail. 

One heats the nail till it is quite hot, places the extract on it, quickly places the dome to contain it and then inhales.

Dabbing with a banger.

Tokin' Tiger Banger

One can also choose a bucket style banger pictured above instead of a nail/ carb cap. This is is an enclosed container made of quartz, with a longer neck that fits right into the stem of one's Dab Rig Bong or Recycler Bong. The banger is inserted into the stem, heated up with a torch, the extract is dropped inside it, the carb cap is placed on top and the vapors are inhaled through the mouthpiece of the Dab Rig Bong or Recycler Bong.

Why Terp Pearls?

Tokin' Tiger Terp Pearls - Ruby Red.

This is where Terp Pearls come into play. These are small, heat-resistant, and inert balls that are used to elevate the dabbing experience.

In terms of size, the operative word is 'small'. We're not talking golf ball small. We're talking 2 - 3 millimeter diameter small. These little spheres are dropped into the banger while it is being heated up. After the extract is dabbed into the banger and the carb cap is placed on top, inhalation causes the Pearls to spin around like banshees spreading the extract to all corners of the heated banger.

Terp Pearls ensure efficient distribution and prevent overheating or charring of the extract in the banger. This keeps the banger hot, but drops the temperature of the extract itself. When this happens, one is able to appreciate the terpenes and phenols of the original bud, which continue to be concentrated in the extract. This leads to a far more refined user experience and also explains the use of the word 'Terp' when describing these little pearls of the dabbing world.

4 ways Terp Pearls elevate your dabbing session.

  1. Heat Retention and Vaporization: Terp pearls are usually made of materials like zircon, quartz, ceramic, or other heat-resistant materials. These small spheres are placed inside the heated nail before taking a dab. They serve to retain heat and help distribute it more evenly across the concentrate on the nail.
  2. Enhancing Flavor and Vapor Production: Terp Pearls, when heated, create turbulence in the concentrate, causing it to vaporize more efficiently and evenly. This process can enhance the flavor and aroma of the vapor, as well as increase overall vapor production.
  3. Lower-Temperature Dabbing: Using Terp Pearls can lower the temperature for the extract. Lower temperatures preserve more of the delicate terpenes (aromatic compounds) in the concentrate, resulting in a more flavorful and enjoyable experience.
  4. Visual Appeal: Some Terp Pearls are made with unique designs or colors, adding an aesthetic element to the dabbing process. The pearls may also spin or move inside the nail during inhalation, creating an arresting visual effect.

What are they made of?

In the early days Terp Pearls were made of borosilicate glass, which were prone to breakage. These days they can be made of quartz or ceramic, with the top quality Terp Pearls being made of zircon or 'lab grown gemstones'.

'Lab grown' - a scam?

In recent times a lot of manufacturers have begun to market Terp Pearls made of what they claim is 'lab grown' rubies, opals and sapphires. A cursory inquiry into the cost of these allegedly semi-precious stones will reveal that they can cost upwards of USD 30 per carat. Yet you can find these products available for 5 bucks a piece on special, which is pretty curious as each unit would be at least 1.5 - 2 carats in weight. This just doesn't add up. We'll let you be the judge of the authenticity of these claims.

Zircon - the best material for Terp Pearls.

Zircon is a natural crystalline material used in industrial furnaces and refractories to retain heat and maintain heat at a uniform rate. Application of different levels of heat during the manufacturing process can bring about a change in colour to either ruby red or deep sapphire blue. They are widely acknowledged to be the best material for Terp Pearls.

Dos & Don'ts of handling Terp Pearls:

  • Do heat the banger - Don't heat pearls. No direct heat to the pearls- ever.
  • Don't expose pearls to extreme temperature changes - like dropping them in a liquid immediately after use.
  • Do let the pearls return to room temperature before putting them away.
  • Do clean your Terp Pearls with a cotton swab dipped  in isopropyl alcohol after they have returned to room temperature.
  • Do invest in a container to hold your terp pearls like these Tokin' Tiger Silicone Dab Jars as these little guys have a habit of going AWOL.
  • Don't ever hit them with a hammer - but you already knew that!

It's important to note that the effects of Terp Pearls can vary depending on the design, material, and quality of the pearls, as well as the type and quality of the cannabis concentrate being used. 

As with any cannabis consumption method, it's essential to use Terp Pearls responsibly and in accordance with local laws and regulations. 

Lastly, cleaning your Terp Pearls regularly will ensure they function effectively and provide the best possible dabbing experience over time.